I had seen a few interviews on the upcoming Twilight movie and how the fan based rivaled that of Harry Potter. I love to read but have never been much of a fantasy/romance enthusiast and (although I love vampire romance movies like Underground) so I had never given much thought to The Twilight Series. I had started seeing such wonderful women like Sandi and Meg posting their excitement about the newest book called Breaking Dawn and that really peaked my curiosity.
Then, while on vacation I was watching a morning talk show and the author, Stephanie Meyer was being interviewed. She had never planned on writing a book but she had an intense dream about two people madly in love in a meadow and the whole time he was fighting the urge to kill her. She didn't want the dream to end so she began writing it all down and creating more and the series began.
The way she described the characters with such a true loving emotion (there is a great post she wrote about it here), I decided that would have to be my next read. A few days after returning to town, I was visiting my neighbor, Melanie, and she mentioned she was reading the new book Breaking Dawn and and her daughter let me borrow the first two books, Twilight and New Moon. I started reading Twilight Sunday night and I was instantly obsessed. I don't think I have ever intentionally read a book so slowly so that I could picture every detail in my mind. I was in love with Edward and Bella almost immediately. The first night I read 358 pages, the entire next day I was obsessed with bed time approaching so I could finish Twilight (which I did) but I couldn't get them out of mind all day so it felt torturous having to sew orders and feed kids instead of reading more. So the following evening I opened New Moon and about 398 pages in decided I was too deep now to stop and read until I finished it this morning at 2:30 am.
My neighbor is out of town so I can't steal the next installment, Eclipse, so I am seriously considering buying it today. I am actually sad that there are only 2 more books to read in this series but am rescued from my self wallowing in the knowledge that she is writing Midnight Sun which is Twilight from Edward's point of view.
If you haven't read Twilight, read it now. Even if you think it isn't your type of book, trust me it will be.
I had been tossing around the idea of reading this. After your recommendation, I had my husband pick me up a copy at Barnes and Noble last night while he worked. I am going to read it on vacation. Heading to San Francisco Saturday. Can't wait!
Ok, now, I saw the trailer for the movie, and it seems to me a little like The Lost Boys meets the Witching Hour(Anne Rice). I loved both. I am off to buy this book!
I may have to read this. Everyone keeps talking about how great the series is!
I am so glad to see another adult reacting to the book the same way. At least you don't have to wait for months in torture about what happens in book 4 like the rest of us did. :o) So glad you like them too.
I just got sucked in, too (pardon the pun)! I read it everywhere and then Lucy mentioned in the Sassy Apron Swap blog ... I read all four in five days, in between working, sewing, and being a mom! Fun reads!!
Hope you see this comment tonight -- we talked about Modbe clothing before and I'm having a on-line catalog show because they're having a super end of summer sale ... if you can, browse https://www.modbeclothing.com/monica and if you find something you like, I'd appreciate it if you reference party #324 during check out. If we miss each other, I'm thinking about becoming a rep so we should set something up on your end!
oh my goodness. i was turned onto this series by a bostonian friend, and i in turn turned on 5 of my coworkers who are now in the process of reading the whole series. it is SO good, and definitely nothing i thought i'd like to read. :)
i even bought an extra copy of "twilight" to hand off if i find someone who hasnt read it who NEEDS to read it LOL :)
Your post made me want to read the book so I just ordered it off Ebay! :)
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